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my reply here, abt steel scrap

这边很难做废钢 -- yes or no.
第一,最近的价格跌的很厉害,--- this is not matter, market up or down, as long as u are in the market all year long.
二,有多少数量,多少价格的问题,-- you buy containers or bulk ? is about location, west, east or central ?
三,有如何付款的问题,-- is not a matter.
四,如何交货的问提,-- depends on from whom you buy. small dealers, you need to have place to have materials on the ground. build inventory by youself. from big suppliers, logosics is easy, as long as price right.

首先就是价格问题 -- you pay low prices, buy from public, but no volume. the higher price, the more volume. where is your core competiveness ? buy cheap, no way. have stable business, possible.
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 国内一朋友想在加拿大寻找废钢货源,另外那位有废旧油井和地质勘探钻头的信息。 +1
    • 国内一朋友想在加拿大寻找废钢货源 ------ basiclly no chance to buy steel scrap from Central Canada to China; youu may try west coast, not much chance though.
      另外那位有废旧油井和地质勘探钻头的信息 ---- you must be looking for Tungsten carbide, try Calgary area, but not really luck. good luck.
    • any news lately ? there is a Chinese guy bought a scrap steel company in Hamilton.
      • 这边很难做废钢,第一,最近的价格跌的很厉害,二,有多少数量,多少价格的问题,三,有如何付款的问题,四,如何交货的问提,我在国内也做废旧金属资源,但是在这边很难做。首先就是价格问题。
        • my reply here, abt steel scrap
          这边很难做废钢 -- yes or no.
          第一,最近的价格跌的很厉害,--- this is not matter, market up or down, as long as u are in the market all year long.
          二,有多少数量,多少价格的问题,-- you buy containers or bulk ? is about location, west, east or central ?
          三,有如何付款的问题,-- is not a matter.
          四,如何交货的问提,-- depends on from whom you buy. small dealers, you need to have place to have materials on the ground. build inventory by youself. from big suppliers, logosics is easy, as long as price right.

          首先就是价格问题 -- you pay low prices, buy from public, but no volume. the higher price, the more volume. where is your core competiveness ? buy cheap, no way. have stable business, possible.
        • 你说的不对,你有和国内做过类似的贸易吗??其实不是像你说的价格不是问题。
          • 一切围绕钢厂转 ---- we have different strength. this is not what am doing. we buy at market level, smaller volume; sell at market level, larger volume. we dont rely any any single SUPPLIERS or CUSOTMERS.
            你有和国内做过类似的贸易吗 ----- yes, daily / weekly business