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我帮你转一个step by step instruction,很详细啦:

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tree Mural Tutorial

I was afraid you might ask for this. Keep in mind that I was quite intimidated by this project and taking pictures of my steps was not one of my strong points through it. Plus, I consider myself a poor tutorializer. We’ll see how this goes.

The biggest hurdle was finding the perfect tree. Believe me. It was difficult. What I found when researching other people’s trees is that a lot of them were too flimsy and weren’t nearly substantial enough for the space. I knew I wanted something very curvy, but also quite expansive. I think I stupidly deleted my picture of my tree. That’s what I do. I delete things I need, and I keep things I don’t. However, some sites that I swear by are flickr.com and istockphoto.com. I typed in everything from tree mural to tree silhouette.

I started out by going up to my school and stealing borrowing an overhead projector. This is essential. If you don’t have access to one, I believe you might be able to rent them from a library or office supply store. IMG_6169

I printed out the picture of my tree and enlarged it on the copy machine. I honed in on the top part, because I was fairly certain I could handle the trunk. Plus, I knew my daughter’s bed would hide any imperfections! I kept pulling back the projector to enlarge the image on the wall until I knew I was happy.


Once it was in place, I used white chalk to draw the image onto the wall. It worked like. a. charm. I simply painted right over the chalk, so I didn’t have to worry about any lines. One piece of advice, though. There are several spots where the leaves are fatter than I wanted them to be or the limbs are too thick. That’s a result of me drawing the line on the outside of the image, and it distorted things a bit. Not a huge deal, but it drove/drives me nuts.


Another piece of advice? Do NOT have your son take a picture of you in a tank top and broadcast it to the world. It’s not flattering, but it’s a sacrifice I make.IMG_8739

This is the paint I used. It was $9.99, and I used a 40% off coupon at Hobby Lobby. The brushes were costlier than I would have liked. They were maybe $10.00 total. I know that doesn’t seem like much, but I’m used to .47 cent brushes from Wal Mart! However, these brushes made the difference. Also, I watered the paint down just a tad. It was just a bit too thick for the application, and it was a bit more flexible being watered down.IMG_8741

And finally…a lot of you asked about the color on the walls. It is Benjamin Moore’s Iced Green. That’s an odd name since it really is quite blue, but what do I know? I’m not usually such a messy can keeper. That is, until my dog jumps up on the counter, knocks the paint can off, and it spills open when it hits the floor. My hardwood floor, mind you. Still a little resentful over that one.


Believe me when I say that I am not a painter. However, as I got through it, I started to free hand several branches on my own. If I can do it, anyone can. Seriously!IMG_8726

Thank you for all your wonderful and encouraging comments!

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  • 枫下家园 / 亲亲宝贝 / 给你一个缤纷世界。。。Kids Room装修之参考


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    • nice! thanks for sharing.
    • I like all of them.!!!! Super, 你给你闺女画墙的时候能叫我参观吗
      • 来玩的话很欢迎的。看我开工的话,都是晚上9点俺闺女睡觉以后呢,你来不来啊?
        • webcam ok? ......
          • 我服了你,监工?
        • 有种有磁性de漆,我特想弄点刷刷玩
          • 刷吧刷吧,我觉得小孩房间最大优点就是,安全的基础上,怎么折腾都不为过。做工是其次,创意是第一,小孩总是enjoy的.
        • 小孩不会往墙上涂涂画画吗?好些妈妈告诉我,这是会必然发生的。
          • 一定是的,我家猪就是超级喜欢四处涂鸦,正在教育中。。。不过关于这点
          • 我觉得是你怎么要求,我儿子刚有兴趣抓笔时,也是到处乱画,后来严肃的教育了他们,同时又给他们充足的纸和笔,他们就再也没有在墙上画了。
    • 看着真好是好看,但是最简单的估计刷起来也很费劲儿吧
    • very nice, thx for sharing. 也有想画的冲动了
    • 太漂亮了,存上。
    • 真漂亮,谢谢分享
    • 好漂亮!真想做回孩子,变成宁馨儿,软声细语求爸妈给我这样一个房间。
    • 喜欢最后两个,好像也是宜家的喔
    • 也许你只是没有时间,也许你只是没有经历,但你需要找回一份童心。。。图片里的房间都是妈妈们亲手之作,不论难或易,不论好和坏,即使只是画一颗心在墙上,即使只是挂一副画。。。亲爱的,你可以试试,你一定能行!
      • 我排队请你!
      • 来吧,来吧,我家绝对有地方给你画个够,哈哈。
      • 排队排队,我排队请你!
        • 哇塞,有机会一定去:)
      • 我帮你转一个step by step instruction,很详细啦:

        Tuesday, December 15, 2009

        Tree Mural Tutorial

        I was afraid you might ask for this. Keep in mind that I was quite intimidated by this project and taking pictures of my steps was not one of my strong points through it. Plus, I consider myself a poor tutorializer. We’ll see how this goes.

        The biggest hurdle was finding the perfect tree. Believe me. It was difficult. What I found when researching other people’s trees is that a lot of them were too flimsy and weren’t nearly substantial enough for the space. I knew I wanted something very curvy, but also quite expansive. I think I stupidly deleted my picture of my tree. That’s what I do. I delete things I need, and I keep things I don’t. However, some sites that I swear by are flickr.com and istockphoto.com. I typed in everything from tree mural to tree silhouette.

        I started out by going up to my school and stealing borrowing an overhead projector. This is essential. If you don’t have access to one, I believe you might be able to rent them from a library or office supply store. IMG_6169

        I printed out the picture of my tree and enlarged it on the copy machine. I honed in on the top part, because I was fairly certain I could handle the trunk. Plus, I knew my daughter’s bed would hide any imperfections! I kept pulling back the projector to enlarge the image on the wall until I knew I was happy.


        Once it was in place, I used white chalk to draw the image onto the wall. It worked like. a. charm. I simply painted right over the chalk, so I didn’t have to worry about any lines. One piece of advice, though. There are several spots where the leaves are fatter than I wanted them to be or the limbs are too thick. That’s a result of me drawing the line on the outside of the image, and it distorted things a bit. Not a huge deal, but it drove/drives me nuts.


        Another piece of advice? Do NOT have your son take a picture of you in a tank top and broadcast it to the world. It’s not flattering, but it’s a sacrifice I make.IMG_8739

        This is the paint I used. It was $9.99, and I used a 40% off coupon at Hobby Lobby. The brushes were costlier than I would have liked. They were maybe $10.00 total. I know that doesn’t seem like much, but I’m used to .47 cent brushes from Wal Mart! However, these brushes made the difference. Also, I watered the paint down just a tad. It was just a bit too thick for the application, and it was a bit more flexible being watered down.IMG_8741

        And finally…a lot of you asked about the color on the walls. It is Benjamin Moore’s Iced Green. That’s an odd name since it really is quite blue, but what do I know? I’m not usually such a messy can keeper. That is, until my dog jumps up on the counter, knocks the paint can off, and it spills open when it hits the floor. My hardwood floor, mind you. Still a little resentful over that one.


        Believe me when I say that I am not a painter. However, as I got through it, I started to free hand several branches on my own. If I can do it, anyone can. Seriously!IMG_8726

        Thank you for all your wonderful and encouraging comments!

        • 嗯,不错的idea。hope some day i can have a blog like this!
          • 嘿,满心期盼早日开博,能偷窥你的作品啊!
        • 学习了,照这样俺也有点蠢蠢欲动的想要自己动手了
        • nice,弄得我也想画一个了.
        • that`s great, seems to be doable, thanks for sharing,
      • 来我家过瘾吧,几个房间全交给你挥挥,怎么样?
    • 好漂亮阿。。。
    • Super!!! Thanks for sharing. 搬家后也要给我家小子画一幅,到时候可要向你取经了。
    • 这都是你家的吗?另外是自己画的还是墙纸啊?谢谢
    • 好漂亮呀!
    • 太漂亮了,都是你自己想出来的吗还是有什么书可以参考
      • 我觉得应该是网上找来的图片
        • 我相信,给她时间,她也都能画出来!
      • 都是“其他妈妈们的亲手之作”,我收集了作参考。最近自己也在画,之前有贴过:)
    • 漂亮,收藏!谢谢。
    • 漂亮漂亮,请问是用什么涂料刷?就用刷墙的涂料吗?最近也要给女儿重新布置房间呢,参考了。
      • same question
      • 墙用普通涂料,有画的部分可以用Acrylic Paint, walmart,michaels都有卖。
    • 可不可以用一下洗手间啊?
    • 都很漂亮啊,不过还是喜欢女宝宝的房间,等你家小猪的房间收拾好,一定要上片片啊
    • 谢谢分享,非常动心。。。
    • 那个"船舱"和我儿子的差不多,这个主题东西好找,我在TAOBAO淘了很多.