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My kido is also in K&C. This is my experience...

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛-价钱高: Maybe, but not the highest. Like some other moms said: there are non-profit daycares are more expensive than this one.

-有位置: my kido ends up there for the same reason. But it not necessary because "价钱那么贵,当然有位置", it is more because they can't take subsidy kids. Thinking acctually how many families are able to pay more than $1000/month per kid out of their own pocket. It is those subsidy kids (goverment pay daycare fee) that make waitinglist long.

-老师看起来都很亲切。师生比是1:3: DNA (Day Nursery Act) regulate the Adult/Child ratio: infant 3 adults/10 infants; 3 adults/15 toddlers or 2 adults/10 toddlers; 2 adults/16 preschoolers or 3 adults/24 preschoolers; (infant-up to 18 months; toddlers-up to 30 months; preschool-up to 3 1/2 years old; school age-4 years and up)

-老师们都是穿着专门的制服 (that is nurses' uniform) I only saw this K&C doing this. Not any other daycares.

-换尿布,没有戴手套; caregiver will wash her hands with soap and water properly after change diapers. So not a big deal.

-infant班里有一个小baby特别可爱,一看见我们就冲过来要抱。I'll take it as a good sign.

-Because this daycare is for profit, I feel they care about their public image more than other non-profit daycares. Every teachers care about the business sales (if not enough kids coming, they won't have their jobs). So they do try to please parents more. Another side of this story is: they care about how kids looks to parents than how kids acctually feel. It is the nature of business. Their customers are parents, not kids. Whoever pays the bill get the talk.

-toddler班: If you can choose, please choose the toddler room with max. 10 kids instead of 15 kids. Even there are 1 more extra adult for 5 more toddlers, it is very hard to manage with a group of 15 toddlers.

-洗手间里面有两个巨大的桶装用过的diaper,我真担心日后我家孩子伸手到里面去捞。Don't worry, kids will explore and will learn through experimenting. And they will all wash hands properly under the teacher's supervisor before they leave the washroom. Teacher won't let your kid 伸手到里面去捞

-但是在卫生方便,我也还是持保留意见。Mom has to learn to relax. Kids won't be kept as clean as they were at home. But they built their immunity (anti-body) by exposed to more dirt/virus/germs. They are getting stronger that way.

-只是不知道是不是大多数daycare都差不多是这个样子. I used to work in various non-profit (public) daycares. They are all licenced as K&C. They major differences are: K&C has better hardwares, while software (programming/staffs) are not as professional trained (since for profit daycare can't pay their staff as high, so think really good ECEs won't be work there for long, thus their educational programming can't be the top)
-in K&C, the crowd of kids are relatively easy to get along. Since they are all coming from similar family background (2 working parents with decent income)
-in daycares taking subisidy kids, hmmm.... the crowd of kids are more diversed....and some kids are from families with tough situation, parents struggling etc. So don't be too surprise to see kids with tough behaviors around your kid. Plus, teachers could he less patient since they have harder works to do even they are paid better.
-well, being around tougher kids might not necessary a bad thing, kids have to learn to deal with different situation anyways.

Sorry, can't type Chinese.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下家园 / 亲亲宝贝 / 昨天看见有妈妈打听质量好的daycare。我贡献一个daycare观感把(还只是参观阶段,具体好不好要等宝宝带了一段时间在来汇报)-- Kids&Company。希望其他的妈妈也能说说自己经历的好的或者不好的daycare,给大家一个比较。
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛这家daycare在我们这个小城市里是以价钱高出名的。理由是,只要提前6个月注册,就一定有位置(价钱那么贵,当然有位置拉)。之前我们在另一家daycare排队infant class9个月,对方仍声称不清楚什么时候能排上我们。俺一听急了,再排不上这infant都要变成toddler了。只好冲着这个guaranteed spot去了一家Kids&Company。

    参观的时候没有打招呼就直接冲过去了。对他们的infant班感觉不错,老师看起来都很亲切。师生比是1:3。老师们都是穿着专门的制服。(我也不知道这个算不算特别,但是我们之前去参观的那家老师穿的是便装。)去的时候一个老师在给小朋友们换尿布,并没有戴手套。我心里还嘀咕了一下,难道这老师就一双手摸所有小朋友的pp啊。但是我lg觉得挺正常。不知道其他daycare在这个问题上如何处理的。infant班里有一个小baby特别可爱,一看见我们就冲过来要抱。陪我们参观的老师很自然得蹲下去把她抱在环里。这个让我觉得老师还比较caring。但后来那个老师亲了小baby一下,我就又开始犯嘀咕了。实在不太习惯将来别人不经我允许就亲我女儿,但是lg还是觉得挺正常。我也只能think it in a positive way乐,就算是老师比较有爱心吧。他们infant 班是每个小孩子follow自己的routine,按照家长提供的作息表来。到了toddler班就是大家follow同一个routine了。infant班有一个专门的房间睡觉,daycare提供crib和床垫,家长提供blanket。

    toddler班给我的感觉没有infant班好,比较杂乱,可能是因为师生比例增加到了1:4。好像要求自己吃饭,并且要求用杯子喝水了。我们去的时候孩子们围着一个桌子在吃午饭。两个班合用一个洗手间,小马桶上有potty training 的小马桶垫。但是地上有一些卫生纸阿什么的。洗手间里面有两个巨大的桶装用过的diaper,我真担心日后我家孩子伸手到里面去捞。toddler班就没有小黑屋给睡觉了,大家就把床垫搬到教室里席地而睡。不知道别的daycare怎么安排的。

    总的来说,这家daycare的硬件仿佛比我们看的另一家略好一点,师生比例比较低一些。但是在卫生方便,我也还是持保留意见。只是不知道是不是大多数daycare都差不多是这个样子,还希望有经验的妈妈能分享一下。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • there's one K&C in my hubby's office building. He always saw "teachers" playing with the kids or walking them in the food court in bad weather day. They are very very nice and patient.
      • 请问在哪里呀?
    • 这家可不便宜啊。如果就在公司或者家附近可以考虑。
      • 而且不收subsidy。
        • 就我询问过的几家来看,我发现,公立的反儿比私立的贵。原因可能是公立的收subsidy,反正是政府出钱,所以贵点也没所谓(他们一般都很积极的问你有无这个甚至主动教你申请)。私校由于不收subsidy,如果再贵就没人去了,所以相对比公校还便宜一点
    • 参观过超过10个daycare,没见过不带手套换diaper或potty training擦pp的
    • My kido is also in K&C. This is my experience...
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛-价钱高: Maybe, but not the highest. Like some other moms said: there are non-profit daycares are more expensive than this one.

      -有位置: my kido ends up there for the same reason. But it not necessary because "价钱那么贵,当然有位置", it is more because they can't take subsidy kids. Thinking acctually how many families are able to pay more than $1000/month per kid out of their own pocket. It is those subsidy kids (goverment pay daycare fee) that make waitinglist long.

      -老师看起来都很亲切。师生比是1:3: DNA (Day Nursery Act) regulate the Adult/Child ratio: infant 3 adults/10 infants; 3 adults/15 toddlers or 2 adults/10 toddlers; 2 adults/16 preschoolers or 3 adults/24 preschoolers; (infant-up to 18 months; toddlers-up to 30 months; preschool-up to 3 1/2 years old; school age-4 years and up)

      -老师们都是穿着专门的制服 (that is nurses' uniform) I only saw this K&C doing this. Not any other daycares.

      -换尿布,没有戴手套; caregiver will wash her hands with soap and water properly after change diapers. So not a big deal.

      -infant班里有一个小baby特别可爱,一看见我们就冲过来要抱。I'll take it as a good sign.

      -Because this daycare is for profit, I feel they care about their public image more than other non-profit daycares. Every teachers care about the business sales (if not enough kids coming, they won't have their jobs). So they do try to please parents more. Another side of this story is: they care about how kids looks to parents than how kids acctually feel. It is the nature of business. Their customers are parents, not kids. Whoever pays the bill get the talk.

      -toddler班: If you can choose, please choose the toddler room with max. 10 kids instead of 15 kids. Even there are 1 more extra adult for 5 more toddlers, it is very hard to manage with a group of 15 toddlers.

      -洗手间里面有两个巨大的桶装用过的diaper,我真担心日后我家孩子伸手到里面去捞。Don't worry, kids will explore and will learn through experimenting. And they will all wash hands properly under the teacher's supervisor before they leave the washroom. Teacher won't let your kid 伸手到里面去捞

      -但是在卫生方便,我也还是持保留意见。Mom has to learn to relax. Kids won't be kept as clean as they were at home. But they built their immunity (anti-body) by exposed to more dirt/virus/germs. They are getting stronger that way.

      -只是不知道是不是大多数daycare都差不多是这个样子. I used to work in various non-profit (public) daycares. They are all licenced as K&C. They major differences are: K&C has better hardwares, while software (programming/staffs) are not as professional trained (since for profit daycare can't pay their staff as high, so think really good ECEs won't be work there for long, thus their educational programming can't be the top)
      -in K&C, the crowd of kids are relatively easy to get along. Since they are all coming from similar family background (2 working parents with decent income)
      -in daycares taking subisidy kids, hmmm.... the crowd of kids are more diversed....and some kids are from families with tough situation, parents struggling etc. So don't be too surprise to see kids with tough behaviors around your kid. Plus, teachers could he less patient since they have harder works to do even they are paid better.
      -well, being around tougher kids might not necessary a bad thing, kids have to learn to deal with different situation anyways.

      Sorry, can't type Chinese.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 写的非常好。看来私人的呢,好处就是孩子的成长背景相似,所以假设学到古怪行为的机会低一些,公立的太复杂。可以考虑那个什么MOTESSARY (不会拼写),反正价格相差不大。
        • There are always two sides of everything. Say my kid never see any 古怪行为. One day he might be shocked and doesn't know how to deal with it and being bullied.
      • 写的太好了。我们正考虑去kids & company 去参观呢。你家宝宝去的是哪家。
        • the Consumers site. Which one are you going? how old is your little one?
          • 我们打算去consumer Rd. 的那家。我们的不到3个月。 听说这家要等6个月。
            • why don't you try the Consilium site?
            • 3 months only?! that is hard....
              • 我们打算1岁时送。现在只是收集信息。
    • 请问这家收费具体是多少啊?我家附近的daycare对toddler的收费是每天$54.08(如果一个月有23天的话是$1243)。而且3个老师带16个孩子,比你说的这家要差啊。包中饭(还是organic的,不知道有没有必要?)和两顿点心。
      • 3个老师带16个孩子? how old are the children?
    • 不到手套说明这老师也太不怕脏了吧, 佩服,估计没几个人给别人家孩子换DIAPER 还不戴手套的。
      • 我学过ece,是不鼓励带手套的。
        • 每换一个都洗手吗?
          • 原则上是每换一个就要系changing pad 和洗手,具体怎么做我就不很知道了,我只在daycare呆过很短时间,还是当学生。
    • 孩子送了DAYCARE就不能和在家一样。我说的是卫生。DAYCARE有一套卫生标准,一般的DAYCARE都会遵循这个标准,这个妈妈们不用担心。
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛不过集体生活就是集体生活,不能和在家一样,尤其是孩子还小的时候,拿来玩具就舔,虽然老师都有消毒啥的,可是不可能添完了就消毒,我一直从事这个工作,我是看见了,立刻消毒,可是我不保证我消毒了所有的,当然我的孩子们要大很多,4岁以上。所以很好管理。可是小孩子,我100%可以说,老师没看见的添过的东西多了去了。虽然一天告诉他们800次,不许往嘴里放玩具,小孩子基本上是,过1分钟就忘……而且我发现从来没去过DAYCARE的孩子来DAYCARE没一段时间,准先生一场病,等适应了DAYCARE的各种细菌后就百毒不侵了,呵呵……


      TODDLER ROOM是最累的一个GROUP,无论在哪个DAYCARE,所以有时候也是老师换的最频繁的一个ROOM。



      罗嗦很多,希望可以帮助妈妈们。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 我家BB从11个月就在那里
      我家BB从11个月就在那里,总的感觉还行,infant room 比toddler room要看护得细致.管理得挺好的,硬件设施什么都挺好.老师有非常好的,也有不咋地的,但也不会太过分.他们还有WebCam,上班时可以看到我的BB,我觉得很好.
    • 谢谢分享.请问如果是parttime的每天大概多少钱?
    • 我天!就这样还收那么贵!早点去immanuel day care 排队吧!好太多了!
    • toddler 3:15, 太CRAZY了, 我在密市看的都是3:10呀. 到preschool才3:15
    • 向住南边的同学推荐一个不错的DAYCARE:720 MIDLAND--BOND,收subsidy,PRESCHOOL以上都是到大学的M校,有自己的BUILDING,硬件几年新,学校有剧场,游泳池,DAYCARE的孩子有自己的花园和PLAYGROUND
      • 很杆兴趣,能否再详细些?收infant吗?看着是私校,有subsidy 吗?
        • 以前收的.好象1500以上/月...subsidy 可以.你打电话问问吧...OWNER比较有路子吧,NYAD BOND是属于DAYCARE,4岁以后按M校编制,没有SUBSIDY的孩子,但之前的DAYCARE有点M校的风格,小小孩常去大孩子的教室活动...当然游泳池,剧场DAYCARE基本不使用.家长交流聚餐会也比别处多